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Outdoor destinations in central Pennsylvania are always close by, and Centred Outdoors wants to help you get there. Transportation options include public buses, on-demand ride services, or community car-pools.


Centred Outdoors will provide a limited number of van seats to a few of our Event Destinations. This free shuttle service is intended to reduce transportation limitations of any kind for those interested in attending Centred Outdoors events.

Getting there is the first step!

Van Service

Reservations will open one week prior to the event dates.

If no reservations have been made by 48 hours prior to an event, the van for that event will not be available. If you do wish to take advantage of free transportation, please make your reservation as early as possible.

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 Van Service is provided by Cole Transportation (look for the van with the Centred Outdoors door magnet). Pickup/dropoff locations will be at the Westerly Parkway Plaza (CATA Route R) and North Atherton Walmart Plaza (CATA Route V, VN, or Atherton Connector). See Reservation link for a complete schedule of pickup times.

Westerly Parkway Plaza

Parking area in front of vacant lot.

North Atherton Walmart Plaza

Parking at bottom of Walmart lot, nearer to McDonald's.

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reserve your seat

  • Complete by 11/1 for chance at prizes.
    Complete by 11/1 for chance at prizes.
    Click "RSVP" to complete our End-of-Season Survey by November 1, and get a chance at local prizes!

Local Transportation Options

The following transportation options can help you reach your next Destination in central PA. For destinations within a few miles of downtown State College, PA, CATA (Centre Area Transportation Authority) may offer public bus routes or on-demand CATA Go! service.


Community Car Pool

Join our Facebook Group to view and share ride offers and requests!

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On-demand Service for Boalsburg, Bellefonte, and Pleasant Gap

Riding in the Forest

Bike Routes

Centre County is home to miles of bicycle routes. Find out more!

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