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Centred Outdoors'

Text: Outdoor Leadership Cohort

Learn, Collaborate, Connect!

Centred Outdoors is committed to making the outdoors more accessible and inclusive for all, including the next generation of leaders who pave the way. This scholarship program provides diverse individuals of our community with the resources and funding to participate in a personally tailored suite of nationally recognized trainings, workshops, and conferences. By reducing barriers to entering outdoor-related fields, we aim to support a more diverse community of individuals who can see themselves as changemakers in environmental stewardship, education, and conservation. Diversity of representation in the outdoors is vital, as it drives our perception of reality – who we expect to see outdoors and what they are capable of achieving. It allows individuals to feel comfortable and welcomed in the spaces they are interested in joining, and cultivates a sense of belonging. 


The Outdoor Leadership Cohort is one way that Centred Outdoors is committed to serving as a more diverse and equitable resource in Central Pennsylvania, and inspiring other Land Trusts and Outdoor Organizations to take on this important work to serve, collaborate with, and celebrate all members of their community. Accessible and inclusive outings increase racial, ethnic, gender, and cultural diversity in the outdoors, which improve community health, foster a better appreciation of one another, and broaden our understanding of the importance of inclusive conservation efforts. A diverse ecosystem is a thriving one and we welcome you to join us in this effort!


2024 Cohort

Meet our 2024 Outdoor Leadership Cohort!

Schall's Gap (needs mileage)_edited_edited.jpg

Program Information and How to Apply

Application Anchor

application period has closed

If you'd like to learn more about the outdoor leadership cohort or have any questions about this program:



or call 814-237-0400


and a member of the team will contact you as soon as possible!


Thank you for your interest!

“Through this cohort, I gained new perspectives from the other cohort members, met new professionals in my community, and gained new skills related to hosting outdoor programming.”

“I think my most valuable takeaway for me is feeling a stronger connection to members in my community.”

Cohort Walk at Boal Estate.jpg

“The trainings were by far the best part. The Leave No Trace training was awesome and will be super useful in the future. But the First Aid training was phenomenal. Instructors were top notch. The best class, training I ever had.”

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